Working with Major Marjorie Johnson on this project will remain a highlight in my career. Never have I worked with anyone so on task, efficient, and appreciative of the work that Danay Design did in the Winn Army Hospital. Comments continue below the Gallery.
We had painted a mural and 3D pirate ship in the Peds Waiting Room and now we were extending the theme down the hallways. We worked together thoughtfully to enhance the sterile walls with colorful waves. There was such a difference walking down the hallway. The once endless sheer walls of eggshell white had flow and design that softened the experience of getting from point A to point B.
From the moment you get off of the elevator, you are greeted with a tropical mural, a 3D sun and a tern hoovering above the water. Waves extended throughout the hallways and an occasional palm tree or mural would interrupt the flow. It wasn’t a heavy treatment, but made such a difference in this unit.